List 1_______ Counter- 2271
12078, P____, 175 , Bearings 3204B 2RS 6204-58102, M/seals 2 off 20/37.3/14.
12195, P____, , See ade, J43.
12211, P____, 100 , 6204 2rs 6203 2rs. J57.
12252, P7778, , RRR 16/11/12.
12253, P____ , 112.5, rrr, new motor.
12254, P7666, ,RRR, 3305, 6304 2rs, 16/27.4/28 & 'O'rings.
12310, P____, , Bearings 2 off 6204 C3 2rs, M/seal 16/27.4/28, 2 off 'O'rings 155mm i/d x 3.5mm.
12320 P7845, 172.47, New motor.
12322 P____, , Bearings 6203 2rs 6202 2rs, seal, new impellor.
12326 P____, 150, 6308 2rs 6207 2rs, New stubshaft and seal.
12335 P7852, ,2 x 6205 2rs and DE bearing housing.
12340 P7839, , RRR.
12341 P7855, ,rrr.
12361 P____, 125.
12367 P7925, 1450 , Completed 5/2/13.
12387, P7934, 300 , Completed 5/2/13.
12391 P____, , 3307 c3 2rs 6207 2rs 1 3/8.
12395 P____, 100 , 6204 c3 2rs, 6204 2rs, 16/26.8/14
12396 P7949, ,6306 2rs 6205 2rs.
12399,P___, , new motor, new impellor and shaft
12404 P___, 200 .
12405 P___,
12406 P7954, 125.
12407 P___, , 2 off 25/62 and a new fan.
12411 P____, 125 , 6308 2rs 6207 2rs, Stub shaft.
12412 P____, 25 , 'O' rings 16-28-5.
12415 P____ , , New motor.
12416 P____, , New motor.
Updated 12.0 am 12/2/13